Elena Kostioukovitch guest of Book Forum and Literary Festival in Lviv, Ukraine
Vittore Branca
Translation of Vittore Branca, ‘Boccaccio Medioevale’: Витторе Бранка, ‘Боккаччо Средневековый’, 1987 >>
Novellino - canzoni provenzali
M. L. Andreev writes in the note to Novella LXIV, (Novellino, p.289): ‘The author “Novellino” translated into Italian the first stanza of the canzone “Atressi com l’Orifans” by Rigaut de Berbezilh (composed in 1170 – 1200). As for the other stanzas he limited himself to a few Italian touches. The full translation belongs to V.A. Dynnik, in the book “Troubadour Poetry, Minnesinger Poetry, Vagabond Poetry”, Moscow, 1974. The current translation, retaining all the formal features of the given version of the canzone was carried out by Elena Kostioukovich >>
2003 - Baudolino
Translation of Umberto Eco, ‘Baudolino’: Умберто Эко, ‘Баудолино’, Symposium, Sankt-Peterburg, 2003 >>
1988 - Il Nome della Rosa
Translation of Umberto Eco, ‘Il nome della rosa’: Умберто Эко, ‘Имя Розы’, “Inostrannaja literatura” Nr. 8-10, 1988 >>