2011-Italian Seasons

Elena Kostioukovitch for Seasons… >>

2008 - Двадцать лет спустя - Взгляд

Twenty years later (on The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana and other Eco’s novels) – Vzgliad newspaper, 22/08/2008 (Russian) >>

2007 - L'aforisma in Russia - Letteratura, Gedit edizioni

The aphorism in Russia – Letteratura, Gedit edizioni, 2007 (Italian) >>

2007 - Уроки Итальянского - National Geografic Traveller Russia

Lessons of Italian – National Geografic Traveller Russia, 2007 (Russian) >>

2005 - Памяти Гаспарова - Стенгазета

Memories of Gasparov – Stengazeta, 2005 (Russian) >>

2005 - Эпопея спасения Дрезденской - Еженедельный Журнал

The Epopee of the rescue of Dresden – Ezhenedel’nyj Zhurnal, 2005 (Russian) >>

2005 - Dizionario Bompiani delle Opere e dei Personaggi - Bompiani

The Bompiani Dictionary of Works and Authors of all times and literatures – Bompiani, 2005 (Italian) >>

2004 - Russo con l’anima nella steppa - Panorama

A Russian with the soul in the steppe – Panorama, 2004 (Italian and English) >>

2002 - Favole al potere. In Russia la storiografia sembra inventata da Baudolino - L'Espresso

Fairy tales in politics. Historiography in Russia seems made up by Baudolino – L’Espresso, 2002 (Italian) >>

2002 - Профиль в фас - Еженедельный Журнал

En face profile (on Eco) – Ezhenedel’nyj Zhurnal, 2002 (Russian) >>

2002 - Новый свет в старом свете - Светская модель

The new world in the old world (on the concept of beau monde) – Svetskaja Model’, 2002 (Russian) >>


Bodily and Linguistic ugliness in the novel ‘Kiss’ by Tat’jana Tolstoj – ‘Five Literatures Today’, Forum, Udine, 2002 (Russian) >>

2001 - Umberto Eco: Sponde nuove e nuovi orizzonti

‘Umberto Eco: new shores and new horizons’ Conference in Penne, 29-30/11/2001 (Italian) >>

2001 - Erborando piano - Panta Editoria

Herborizing slowly, ‘A Perigord pres del muralh…’ – Panta Editoria, 2001 (Italian) >>

2000 - Город-доброволец - Итоги

The volunteer city (on Mantova’s Literary Festival) – Itogi, 2000 (Russian) >>

1999 - Святой Год в Святом городе - Итоги

A holy year in a holy city (on the 2000 Jubilee: a story of a tradition and a concept) – Itogi, 1999 (Russian) >>

1999 - Letteratura russa: nascono generi nuovi, ma rimane il richiamo della memoria - L'Informazione bibliografica

Russian literature: new genres appear, but the call of memory remains – L’informazione bibliografica, Il Mulino, 1999 (Italian) >>

1995 - Letteratura russa: l'intellighenzia al potere - L'Informazione bibliografica

Russian literature: when intelligentia rules – L’informazione bibliografica, Il Mulino, 1995 (Italian) >>