New Facts
Elena Kostioukovitch in New York
For the past five years the Fales Library, NYU’s Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health, along with Clark Wolf of Clark Wolf Company, Inc. have planned a series of public… >>
Meeting with Elena Kostioukovitch in Parma, Italy
22/01/2010 Incontro con Elena Kostioukovitch, Parma, Italia…
2009 Elena Kostioukovitch presents the Spanish edition of Why Italians... in Bilbao
On December 14th, 2009, Elena Kostioukovitch presented the Spanish edition of her book ‘Why Italians Love to Talk about Food’ published by Tusquets Editores, Spain, as ‘Por qué a los Italianos les gusta hablar de comida’ at the ‘ALGUSTO Saber y Sabor’ International Food&Cuisine Show…
2009 Elena Kostioukovich's Why Italians Love to Talk about Food - NOW in the US, Australia and Spain
The first American edition of Elena Kostioukovich’s Why Italians Love to Talk about Food with forewords of Umberto Eco and Carol Field has appeared in American and Australian bookstores in October 2009…
2009 Babel Festival in Bellinzona
La quarta edizione di Babel ospita una lingua che ha pronunciato molti momenti chiave del XX secolo, la lingua russa. A vent’anni dal crollo del Muro di Berlino, la Russia vive una fase di intensa transizione e violente contraddizioni… >>
2009 Elena Kostioukovitch awarded Italian National Translation Prize diploma
On May 12, 2009 in palazzo Quirinale in Rome Elena Kostioukovitch was awarded an honorary diploma of Premio Nazionalie per la Miglior Traduzione (Italian State Award for the Best Translation)…
2008 The Russian edition of Umberto Eco's "The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana" in Elena Kostioukovitch's translation presented in Russia
Symposium Publishers and Elena Kostioukovitch Literary Agency are proud to announce that the Russian edition of Umberto Eco’s last novel “The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana”…
2008 Elena Kostioukovitch hosts a show with Margherita Crepax
Margherita Crepax was awarded the Stephen Dedalus Special Prize for Translation 2007… >>
2008 Elena Kostioukovitch presents her book Why Italians Love to Talk about Food in Barcelona
Why Italians Love to Talk about Food, di Elena Kostioukovitch, Prefazione di Umberto Eco
Un’abitudine tutta italiana che stupisce e affascina gli stranieri è quella di parlare di cibo e buona tavola…
2008 Why Italians Love to Talk about Food published in the US by Farrar, Straus & Giroux
The book Why Italians Love to Talk about Food by Elena Kostioukovitch is to be published in the United States by Farrar, Straus & Giroux…
2007 Mestre-Venezia, meeting with booksellers
On Wednesday, November 14th, 2007 at 19:00 at the restaurant “Amelia” in Mestre-Venezia a meeting will take place with Elena Kostioukovitch, the winner of the Bancarella Cucina Literary prize 2007… >>
2007 The Festival of Science, Genoa
Elena Kostioukovitch held a lecture entitled ‘Reading the Saucepans and Tasting the Pages’… >>
2007 Chiavari literary award, Italy
“Why Italians Love to Talk about Food” by Elena Kostioukovitch is the Winner of the Chiavari literary award…
2007 Bancarella Cucina Prize, Italy
Pontremoli, 7 ottobre 2007 – Elena Kostioukovitch con il libro Perché agli italiani piace parlare di cibo (Sperling & Kupfer), ha vinto il Premio Bancarella della Cucina 2007, dedicato alla letteratura enogastronomica…