25 July 2022 - "Elena Kostioukovitch's journey into Putin's Mind" on Huffington Post Italy
On 25 July 2022, Elena Kostioukovitch’s book “Inside the Mind of Vladimir Putin” was featured in an article written by Elio Cappuccio for Huffington Post Italy. >>
17 January 2022 - Interview with Elena Kostioukovitch - TV Channel Culture
Umberto Eco. Lord of signs – interpreter of codes. Observer – TV Channel Culture. >>
12 January 2022 - Article about Elena Kostioukovitch's translations of the works of Umberto Eco (Literaturnaya Gazeta, Moscow, No. 1-2 (6816)
In this article celebrating 90 years’ anniversary since the birth of Umberto Eco, Anna Yamploskaya highlights Elena Kostioukovitch’s important contribution to Eco’s literary fortunes in Russia. What’s his legacy? >>
28 September 2021 - "The witness and the suspect. The role of food in Umberto Eco's novels and detective books" - Arzamas
On 28 September 2021, a very insightful essay by Elena Kostioukovitch about food in Umberto Eco’s novels and detective books was published on Arzamas. Click to read! >>
17 July 2021. Interview with Elena Kostioukovitch - echo.msk.ru
On 17 July 2021, Elena Kostioukovitch made an interview with Evgeny Buntman (Echo of Moscow) about the legacy of Umberto Eco. >>
9 August 2020 - "Elena Kostioukovitch - secrets of Italian cuisine" on kukbuk.pl
On 9 August 2020, Elena Kostioukovitch was interviewed by Magdalena Maksimiuk for the Polish magazine kukbuk.pl, after the Polish edition of “Why Italians love to talk about food?” came out. >>
22 January 2018 - "In some late Umberto Eco novels, I found traces of our conversations..."
On 22 January 2018, Elena Kostioukovitch was interviewed by Olga Uvarova for the Russian website “Papmambuk”. In this conversation, she focused on the topic of translation, of children’s books in particular. >>
7 October 2017 - Cento anni dopo. La Russia nuova, la Russia eterna - Interview for Swiss Radio Television, Channel 2
On 7 October 2017 Elena Kostioukovitch participated in an interview, in which also Sergio Romano and Evgeny Utkin took part, for the radio program “Moby Dick” on the Swiss Radio RSI LA 2. The topic was the Russian Revolution. >>
11 May 2017. Interview with Elena Kostioukovitch - 24tv.ua
Elena Kostioukovitch made an interview for site “24tv.ua”, explaining what her travel to Kiev meant for her, what her generation has been deprived of by the Sovietic repression machine and why we can never forget about it. >>
Fascist Marinetti fought against Italian pasta - tiempoar.com.ar, 12/02/17
Elena Kostioukovitch is Russian and she not only translated Umberto Eco’s novels into her language. She is also the author of “Why Italians Love to Talk About Food”, a book whose foreword has been written with pleasure by Umberto Eco himself. >>
Umberto Eco: through the mask of irony - la nacion, 23/12/16
Able to laugh even about his own funniness, Umberto Eco passed away just in time – suggests the translator of his works, author of this text – to avoid the troubles of senility; he leaves us a work which is truly indispensable. >>
О фактологии и фантазийности в структуре ‘автобиографического’ нарратива - AvtobiografiЯ n 5, 2016
Материнская сцена романа, который я носила в голове много лет, должна была происходить на пляже. Это было мне ясно всегда. >>
Why Italians Love To Talk About Food - La Capital, 03/12/16
Elena Kostioukovitch’s book is an enchanting trip through geography and taste, to find out about history, culture and customs of Italy. >>
Elena Kostioukovitch: No writer is happy- la nacion, 09/12/16
The Russian translator and author of her own literary work, took her literary language from the great Italian writers; the advice given to her by Umberto Eco… >>
Primera Semana de la Cocina Italiana en el mundo, 23-29 Noviembre 2016
Elena Kostiukovitch participará en los eventos principales de la Primera edición de SEMANA DE LA COCINA ITALIANA EN EL MUNDO y ofrecerá una serie de conferencias… >>
Ombre russe - Interview Swiss Radio Television Channel 2, 01/10/16
Moscow and us, between cooperation and competition, with Emanuela Burgazzoli and Gigi Donelli, live from Milan >>
"Нью-Йорк Елены Костюкович" (Elena Kostioukovitch's New York) - colta.ru, 25/08/16
“И мы увидим, что Триумфальная арка в Манхэттене – это ростральная колонна, а колонна – на самом деле арка. Судите сами вместе со мной” >>
"Истории из жизни урбанистики" (Urban Stories) - colta.ru, 28/06/16
Лиссабон. Городское переустройство и символика власти. >>
Interview with Elena Kostioukovitch - colta.ru, 02/06/16
В интервью с Еленой Костюкович, переводчицей всех семи романов Умберто Эко на русский, много раз звучало слово «почему»… >>
19 May 2016 - Interview with Elena Kostioukovitch - TV Rain
On 19 May 2016, Elena Kostioukovitch took part in an interview on the Russian TV channel “Rain” (Dozhd), discussing Umberto Eco’s vision of Europe and the ideas he expressed in his novel “The Prague Cemetery” (2010) >>