Why Italians Love To Talk About Food - Web Wombat, 12/2009
Web Wombat – Why Italians Love To Talk About Food >>
25 More Cookbooks - The New York Times, 06/12/2009
WHY ITALIANS LOVE TO TALK ABOUT FOOD. By Elena Kostioukovitch, translated by Anne Milano Appel. Umberto Eco’s translator shares cultural, historical and sociopolitical wisdom in this charming gastronomic survey of the food of her adopted country… >>
Why Italians Love to Talk about Food - The New York Times Book Review, 06/12/2009
The New York Times Book Review… >>
An ode to Italy's food, and its place in Italian culture - The Montreal Gazette, 03/12/2009
The Montreal Gazette – An ode to Italy’s food, and its place in Italian culture… >>
Holiday Cookbooks and Winebooks for Gifting, Part One - Gothic Epicures VinCuisine blog, 28/11/2009
This is a travelogue journey through Italy’s regional cuisines, from the Alps to Sicily. As a newcomer to Italy, the author immediately noticed the differences of taste, language… >>
Christmas books - The Guardian, 28/11/2009
The Russian author is a translator who has lived in Italy for years. Her rich book is an omnium gatherum of historically significant food, the extraordinary diversity of Italian cuisine. She illuminates geography, trade routes… >>
Falar de comida - Galicia Hoxe, 20/11/2009
Umberto Eco, con esa facilidade de seu para expresar cousas profundas con poucas e claras palabras di que, cando viaxa, “sen a experiencia da comida non comprendería o lugar no que me atopo nin a maneira de pensar dos seus habitantes”…. >>
Holiday Gift Guide: 10 Beautiful Books - Entertainment Weekly, 19/11/2009
WHY ITALIANS LOVE TO TALK ABOUT FOOD by Elena Kostioukovitch, Anne Milano Appel, Umberto Eco, and Carol Field Let’s face it: Your loved ones have had enough gingerbread and cranberry… >>
Food, talk, & Italians - Essential Musings blog, 17/11/2009
I’m so excited. I found the book Why Italians Love to Talk about Food while I was in Philadelphia. The book has two forwards along with the standard preface by the author. It makes the case that talking about food… >>
Drool While You Read: New Cookbooks Give Good Food - Tonic.com, 06/11/2009
As the weather continues to cool, legions of us turn to the comfort of our kitchens. Firing up the oven warms not only the house, but the heart as well and there’s no time like fall to curl up with a good cookbook… >>
An off-beat take on the Italian cookbook and Italian culture - Wikio, 11/2009
This book is about half pensive reflection on topics of (presumably common Italian) conversation such as totalitarianism, “Joy,” pilgrims, and America, and half discussions of the foods and wines… >>
Cookbooks as Edible Adventures - The New York Times, 03/11/2009
Quick: What do olive oil, joy, pizza, pilgrims and totalitarianism have in common? According to Why Italians Love to Talk About Food a serious new work of scholarship just translated… >>
Why Italians Love to Talk About Food - Publishers Weekly, Nonfiction Reviews, 08/10/2009
Though the book is “absolutely not about wine,” the author deftly touches on matters like the history of Campari and Frascati. Though there are no recipes… >>
BOOKS THAT WHET YOUR APPETITE - thebookbabes website, 07/10/2009
This has been a funny season for readers who are foodies on the side, or foodies who are readers on the side. First came “Julie and Julia,” the bombshell movie, which I have yet to see… >>
Por que os italianos gostam de falar de comida? - DIGEAT blog, 07/06/2009
Todo mundo sabe que a Itália e a França são os países da gastronomia por excelência, e que a Espanha atualmente não está muito atrás no quesito ‘exportação de cultura gastronômica”… >>
Unit of Eternity (on The Name of the Rose) - Chas Pik weekly, № 49 (566) 31/12/2008 — 13/01/2009
2008-й год уходит. Он уже прощается с нами, он уже машет нам ручкой… Вот-вот он переступит границу, разделяющую прошлое и настоящее. И станет историей. Что же останется нам от… >>
Ecology of translation - Egoist Generation magazine, 10/2008
Когда в начале 80-х выпускница факультета МГУ сделала перевод на русский язык книги «Имя Розы» Умберто Эко, ей позвонил сам маэстро и пригласил в гости, в Италию… >>
07/10/2008 The culture of overfilled memory (on The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana) - Attention Zone, (in Russian)
В конце августа в петербургском издательстве “Симпозиум” вышел очередной роман Умберто Эко совершенно нового типа – “Таинственное пламя царицы Лоаны”, без сомнения, самая главная и ожидаемая в России книга этого года… >>
09/2008 I believe in what I'm doing (on translations of Umberto Eco) - Chastniy Korrespondent website, (in Russian)
Переводчик и литературовед Елена Костюкович отмечает юбилей. Торжественное празднование прошло в Овальном зале Библиотеки иностранной литературы… >>