Why Italians Love To Talk About Food - Psnews.com.au, 19/01/2010

“It’s a book that food lovers, history buffs and armchair travellers can cherish, savouring every last morsel as they follow Kostioukovitch on her gastronomic journey.”… >>

Top Shelf: recommended reading - San Francisco Chronicle, 10/01/2010

Written by Umberto Eco’s Russian translator, who has lived in Italy for two decades, this is a charming, informative, conversational book about the varied food cultures of Italy… >>

Why Italians Love To Talk About Food - Canvas Magazine, NZ Herald, 09/01/2010

Russian-born Milan-based Elena Kostioukovitch is a highly regarded translator whose work on Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose earned top awards. Eco returns the favour by writing the foreword for this dense culinary exploration of Italy, top-to-toe… >>

The Savvy Librarian’s Night Table: Ten amazing titles guaranteed to bring you peace, prosperity, and happiness - School Library Journal, 01/01/2010

Described as “a journey through Italy’s great regional cuisines,” this unique book on food and culture has already become a best-seller in Italy and Russia. Kostioukovitch, a Martha Stewart look-alike with considerable literary chops… >>

Perché agli italiani piace parlare di cucina - Rotta a Sud Ovest, 29/12/2009

E’ uscito poche settimane fa in Spagna Por que a los italianos les gusta hablar de comida, scritto dall’ucraniana Elena Kostiukovitch, da anni residente a Milano è uscito anche in Italia con il titolo Perché agli italiani piace parlare del cibo. Un itinerario tra storia, cultura e costume… >>

Why Italians Love to Talk About Food - Sacramento Book Review, 29/12/2009

This surprisingly engaging treatise is not a cookbook, is not written by an Italian, and does not promote a restaurant or a particular style of cooking. Nonetheless, Kostiukovich, an erudite food-obsessed Russian who works translating Umberto Eco’s… >>

'Why Italians Love to Talk About Food' - Los Angeles Times, 26/12/2009

McDonald’s has had a difficult time in Italy, reports Elena Kostioukovitch in “Why Italians Love to Talk About Food.” Some boycotts led to closures, franchises were forced to conform with local architecture and… >>

El arte de la buena mesa - Elcorreo.com, 12/2009

Durante la Edad Moderna, los Estados italianos reclamaron la aportación de los mejores artistas de Europa. Los banquetes que tenían lugar en sus opulentas cortes también se hallaban al mismo nivel y a la abundancia se sumaba la extraordinaria… >>

Eleventh-Hour Food Books - The Atlantic Food Channel, 24/12/2009

I’ve just been out doing last-minute shopping. You’re out doing last-minute shopping. Or deciding what to do with the book-buying gift certificates that always make the best Christmas gifts. Here are suggestions I’ve been meaning to make… >>

Big gifts built to last - The StarPhoenix, 19/12/2009

Sure, it’s not really a coffee table book, but I love to have a recipe or food book kicking around, particularly through the holidays. I thumb through it, dream of places I want to visit… >>

Comer, hablar, amar Italia - El Viajero, Diario EL PAIS, 19/12/2009

Si un libro fuese un menú, Por qué a los italianos les gusta hablar de comida tiene dos sabrosos entrantes. Por un lado, un título jugoso; por otro, un prólogo de Umberto Eco, de quien la autora… >>

Cuando el mundo es un mantel - Diario El Cultural, 18/12/2009

Según parece, ya Petrarca se lamentaba de que a sus compatriotas italianos les apasionase más la buena mesa que la literatura y los siglos han acentuado esta impresión. De norte a sur… >>

FOOD BOOKS - Politics and Prose Bookstore & Coffeeshop website, 12/2009

This masterful tome is a culinary encyclopedia and travelogue—a chronicle of Italy’s regional cuisines. In each chapter, Kostioukovitch introduces a region and explores the foods that… >>

Holiday Gifts Giving At Its Best: Locally Bought Cookbooks - The News-Gazette, 16/12/2009

Holiday Gifts Giving At Its Best: Locally Bought Cookbooks… >>

Year-end Countdown: Food Writing, Food Guides, and Famous Names - Thegastronomersbookshelf.com, 14/12/2009

In this entertaining narrative, essayist Elena Kostioukovitch takes us on a journey through one of the world’s richest and most adored food cultures… >>

Mary Alice’s Books of Christmas for Food Lovers - Mystery Lovers's Kitchen, 13/12/2009

Each year at Holiday time, our mystery book store is bursting with more than mystery books. There are terrific children’s books, gift books, games and puzzles packing the shelves. For the mystery lovers who love food… >>

El sabor de la conversación - NOTICIAS Siglo XXI, LNE.es, 13/12/2009

En Italia, las cosas han dejado hace tiempo de ser como las vio el escritor Ippolito Nievo o el noble veneciano Carlo Altoviti, pero merece la pena detenerse en esta descripción para pasar a hablar de lo siguiente, que es la comida… >>

Kitchen Call: Give the gift of cooking - GateHouse News Service, 11/12/2009

“Why Italians Love To Talk About Food” by Elena Kostioukovitch. If you’ve ever sat at the dinner table with someone of Italian ancestry, you may have noticed a distinctly Italian trait: They will reminisce about past meals… >>

More amore: New Italian cookbooks - Minneapolis Star Tribune, 09/12/2009

It’s like an encyclopedia compiled and penned by a seriously gifted writer, in this case Elena Kostioukovitch. Infused throughout is Kostioukovitch’s passion for Italy and its wide-ranging cuisine; you could even call it amore… >>

Choices in food literature abound - Chicago Tribune, 09/12/2009

Elena Kostioukovitch, who was Umberto Eco’s Russian translator, walks us from north to south, each stop densely researched. There are no recipes. Photos are gorgeous… >>

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