Polaris organizes a meeting with Elena Kostioukovitch on Saturday March 2 - delfi.lv, 26/02/2013

On Saturday, March 2 at 18:30 in the bookstore cafe “Polaris” Domina Shopping in a meeting with a translator, teacher and literary critic Helen Kostyukovich…. >>

Elena Kostioukovitch at the Latvian Book Fair, 28/02 - 02/03/2013

At the 2013 Latvian Book Fair Elena Kostioukovitch will present the Latvian edition of her award-winning WHY ITALIANS LOVE TO TALK ABOUT FOOD released… >>

Elena Kostioukovitch's lecture in Moscow, 23/02/2013

Elena Kostioukovitch’s public lecture on the art of literary translation will take place at the Moscow Bilingua Club… >>

Elena took part in the public debate 'Righteous people' - polit.ru, 14/02/2013

On February 13th, 2013, Elena took part in the public dispute ‘Righteous people’ with Ludmila Ulitskaya and Menahem Yaglom. >>

Elena Kostioukovitch at the 26th Jerusalem Book Fair - polit.ru, 11/02/2013

On February 12th, 2013, at the Conference Hall of Jerusalem International Convention Center, Elena participated to the public dispute ‘Why We Translate the Classics Again and Again’ with Svyatoslav Belza, Andrey Dementyev, Dmitri Vedenyapin, Mikhail Grinberg, Dina Markon, and Israel Carmel. >>

Ludmila Ulitskaya and Elena Kostioukovitch at the Jerusalem Book Fair

Ludmila Ulitskaya and Elena Kostioukovitch will participate to the Russian program at the 26th Jerusalem Book Fair, which celebrates this year its 50th anniversary. >>

Quando la “Milano da bere” abbracciò la perestrojka, - intervista a EK, 06/02/2013

Elena Kostioukovitch racconta il rapporto con la sua città adottiva… >>

Italy: vegetarianism in a land of meat-eaters - BBC Russian, 14/01/2013

In the program “BibiSeva”, the author of “Why Italians Love to Talk about Food” – on the universal role of food in Italian culture – Elena Kostioukovitch spoke to Seva Novgorodtsev about whether vegetarians in Italy are regarded with understanding or suspicion … >>

Ludmila Ulitskaya in conversation with Maya Peshkova - Echo of Moscow, 30/12/2012

Ludmila Ulitskaya on Echo of Moscow, talks about the new book “Zwinger” by Elena Kostioukovitch… >>

Elena Kostioukovitch moderated an international workshop on the translation and promotion of Russian Literature abroad, - polit.ru, 01/12/2012

International workshop on the translation and promotion of Russian Literature abroad. The Library of Foreign Literature, Moscow, 28-29/11/2012. >>

Elena Kostioukovitch in conversation with Maxim Amelin - polit.ru,14/11/2012

Cтенограммa публичной беседы с филологом и переводчиком, специалистом по итальянской культуре, переводчиком книг Умберто Эко Еленой Костюкович… >>

Elena Kostioukovitch attends the Non Fiction Moscow Book Fair 28/11/2012

Moscow Bookfair 2012 – Elena Kostioukovitch moderates the presentation of Ludmila Ulitskaya’s new book… >>

Elena Kostioukovitch wins the 2012 'Gogol in Italy' prize

Elena Kostioukovitch is the winner of the 2012 edition of the ‘Nikolai Gogol in Italy’ award, established in 2009… >>

Elena Kostioukovitch guest of Book Forum and Literary Festival in Lviv, Ukraine

The Lviv Book Forum and 7th Lviv Literary Festival that will take place on September 12-19, 2012 in Lviv, Ukraine, where… >>

Russian writer Vladimir Sorokin in conversation with Elena Kostioukovitch at the Palazzo Ducale, Venice, Italy

‘Snow as a symbol of Russian nature. Image of Thaw in Russian political culture. General Frost as a major Russian warfare. Ice as Sorokin’s favorite artistic environment’… >>

Reviews of The Prague Cemetery Campaign - Moscow, Autumn 2011

Umberto Eco’s ‘The Prague Cemetery’ translated by Elena Kostioukovitch has come out… >>

Here are the candidates for the Oscar for translation - izvestia.ru, 23/12/11

Краткий список претендентов на свою профессиональную премию объявила гильдия «Мастера литературного перевода». Ежегодная премия «Мастер», которую сами учредители называют «переводческим «Оскаром», вручается в «поэтической» и «прозаической» номинациях. >>

Elena Kostioukovitch speaks about literary translation - 15/09/2010

Elena Kostioukovitch speaks about literary translation – Video >>

Russian edition of Umberto Eco's The Prague Cemetery heads the bestsellers list - 14/12/2011

Umberto Eco´s novels, including The Prague Cemetery, on a book display rack in a bookshop in Moscow, 14/12/2011 >>

Eco's novel at the top of the Russian bestseller list - Mn.ru, 09/12/2011

Бестселлеры начала декабря по данным магазина Москва и New York Times… >>

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